The air ducts in your home are the path from the AC unit and/or the heater to the rooms of your home. The ductwork is the core of your central home comfort system, and something you typically assume is in decent shape. But if your ducts are not well-insulated, they may not be working as well as they should. Insulation helps to keep the heat in the air ducts for heating and helps to prevent heat from moving into the ducts in the summer.
Get the amount of insulation you need to stay comfortable from the people at Earl's Heating & Air Conditioning. Our technicians can see that you get the level of comfort you need from the air coming through your vents. Your heating and AC equipment may operate far more efficiently, and the room may heat up or cool down faster. Call us to learn more and to schedule service in Schererville, IN. We have been proudly serving Northwest Indiana since 1975.
When warm air moves through the ducts of your home, it might not all make it out to the vent that leads to your living space. Some of it might move out to unoccupied parts of the home due to air leaks in the ducts. But there doesn’t have to be a leak for heat to transfer out of the ducts.
Heat moves naturally from warmer areas to cooler areas, so it might transfer with ease out of the sheet metal and into the cool air in your attic or crawlspace. This means that it will take your home a lot longer to heat up. Similarly, heat can move into the ducts with ease as your air conditioner runs, meaning it can take longer to cool down a home in the summer.
Insulating materials provide a barrier for heat, making it difficult to transfer one way or another. Heat has a hard time getting out of the ducts when you really need your furnace to produce warm air. And heat stays out of the ducts in the summer when you only want cool air moving through. With enough duct insulation, your heating and cooling system operates more smoothly, and it gets your home to the right temperature in a timely manner. You may also save quite a bit of money on heating and cooling costs.
We add duct insulation to your home for better HVAC system performance and efficiency. We know all about R–values (the measurement of an insulating materials effectiveness), so we can add an amount of insulation that makes your HVAC system the most efficient it can be (though you will still need to schedule routine maintenance services and change your filter each month).
We specialize in assessing and solving problems with the ducts so that you get the level of heating and cooling you need throughout the year and so that you don’t spend too much money each month. Get duct insulation from the friendly, skilled team at Earl's Heating & Air Conditioning and expect quality work. It’s all a matter of pride!